Do you have a website? Or are you thinking about or in the process of getting one?

First of all… good.

A website is kiiiiinda important to us online entrepreneurs.

Secondly, there are some things you should know before investing in outside help for your site.

Today’s topic is something not a lot of people outside the site-creation world know about, but could save you tons of money and really help understand the whole process more.

It’s all about the difference between a web DESIGNER… and a web DEVELOPER.

Veryyy different things and if you don’t understand this before investing in someone, it could potentially be a problem.


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After watching, stick around.

This is the part where we have the best conversations about each and every episode and support each other in creating brands and businesses that we LOVE.

 [bctt tweet=”There’s a HUGE difference between a web designer and developer!” username=”lausprinkle”]

Now, I would LOVE to hear from you! In the comments below, tell us:

Would you benefit more from working with a designer or a developer at this point? Has this shed some light you weren’t aware of about the differences? 

Additionally, have you worked with either a designer or developer you’d recommend? Let us know!

In love and guts,

xo Laura

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