If you want to get from Point A to Point B, they would say, you need to know where the heck you’re going!

While that’s all well and good, they’re not taking into consideration one little (huge) thing.

If you are not where you’d like to be, your current mindset won’t get you to where you’re going.

We attract into our lives the vibration that we are, not that we want.

As an example, we’ll get back to me at the start of my business.

I would look at my bank accounts and see negative numbers and not enough to live my ideal lifestyle.

I would look at my email list and social media accounts, and think BOO, not enough people like me, why can’t I seem to grow my list, I need more.

So when I sat down to write my goals and intentions, I knew that I wanted to be somewhere else.

I knew that I didn’t want to feel bad and lonely and scared. I knew that I did want to feel adored and blessed and fulfilled.

I wanted the money, the numbers, the raving fans.
So it would be easy to assume that once you have a contrast, you can set goals for somewhere different and create different results.


And this is a big except.

If you’re still feeling lonely, scared, and unworthy when you set your goals… you’re going to set much different ones than if you’re coming from a place of feeling AMAZING and high-vibe.

As counterintuitive as it sounds, it’s important to feel good even before you decide what will make you feel good in the future.

You set much different goals when you’re feeling positive and happy than when you’re feeling down.

For example, if I was looking at my bank account and there wasn’t enough to cover rent, I might set a goal of making rent this month.

If, however, I was feeling wildly abundant, joyful, and grateful for what I have, I might set a goal of inspiring ten people to make more money to cover their rent every single month, therefore allowing me to more than cover my rent every single month.

You’re more likely to set bigger and stronger goals when you’re feeling inspired.

When you get in a higher vibration, you’re also more likely to set POSITIVE goals.

[bctt tweet=”When you get into a higher vibration, you’re also more likely to set POSITIVE goals.” username=”@lausprinkle”]

What are positive goals? They are stated in the positive sense and they come from a place of abundance rather than lack.

Rather than, “I need to have more people on my list because I don’t have enough.” Or “I don’t want to be in debt anymore.”

They’re “I am so grateful for the beautiful souls on my list and I’d love to reach even more amazing souls.” Or “I would love to pay off my debt in the next 12 months with ease and pleasure by serving more clients and customers.”

The best part about this?

Even if you’re feeling crappy, you can easily get into a high-vibe state. Let me show you a few ways how.

#1. Write out 3-5 things you’re grateful for right now.

Write out the entire sentence 3-5 times: I am grateful for ___________________ because ________________.

#2. Shake your booty.

Stand up, jump around a few times, and start to pump your fists. If you really want to get into a high-vibe state, you can start shouting. To take it even further, start shouting your Business Mantra as loudly and as passionately as you can.

#3. Laugh.

Watch this hilarious video of funny dogs. Call a funny friend. Simply begin laughing (I recommend starting with an evil laugh, it’s so fun). You’ll feel funny at first, but then you’ll start laughing for real.

#4. Connect.

Call up a high-vibe friend. Post something generous and inspiring in a Facebook group. Generosity and connection breed a higher vibration, every time!

Now… let’s take action and do a little experiment.

Right this second, write out a goal you have for your business in the next year. Then, take one of the tips and intentionally place yourself in a high-vibe state. Write out a goal you have for the next year in your business.

See the difference?

Here’s to powerful goals + powerful years.

In love and guts,

xo Laura

p.s. I’d love to know: Have you ever intentionally changed your emotional state in these ways? What else have you tried? Did it work?

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