Here at Sprinkle HQ we are SO excited because this week I’ve decided to do something new and send you a video love note instead of a written article!

When you follow your intuition and create based on what inspires you, rather than what you “should” do, magic happens.

[bctt tweet=”When you follow your intuition and create based on what inspires you, rather than what you “should” do, magic happens.” username=”imlaurasprinkle”]

Magic in the form of more joy, more money, and more satisfaction in your business and life. Pretty cool, right?

But what about when you pour your heart and soul into something… and get no response?

What about when nobody buys what you’re selling?

Trust me, I’ve been there.

And you’re going to want to watch this week’s video because it speaks to exactly that.


Watch now:

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After you’ve watched, stick around.

This is the part where we have the best conversations about each and every episode and support each other in creating brands and businesses that we LOVE.

[bctt tweet=”When people don’t buy what you’re selling, you have a choice about how to deal with it.” username=”imlaurasprinkle”]

Now, I want to hear from you! In the comments below, tell me:

Have you ever launched something to the sound of crickets? How did it go? What did you do next? What suggestions do you have for people who are in this situation?

In love and guts,


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