{Side note: This interview took place during a Gutsy Spotlight Series for my digestive health business. Kate shares some great content that is relevant to business owners. It’s also a great example of – START NOW! – the only way to improve anything (interview skills, video skills, etc.) is by practicing :)}

I’m so honored to introduce you to the lovely Kate Northrup in today’s episode of Soul Fire TV.

Kate is a remarkable person and what has always struck me about her is that she is so deeply authentic.

Whether it’s hanging out in her living room, presenting to hundreds of people, or talking business on the phone, she brings her sweet presence with her and is comfortable with vulnerability and honesty.

While perhaps you’ve heard of Kate, you may not know her backstory or heard her talk about these particular topics – money, honesty, and choosing a man.

While it’s easy to look at successful people and think their paths have been lined with glitter, I love how she doesn’t brush over the hard stuff and shares about her path.

I can’t wait for you to watch…

Pay special attention to the part where she talks about how and why telling the truth can set you – and everyone else you know – free.


Watch now:

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[bctt tweet=”You playing it small doesn’t let others around you play it big – it keeps them small, too.”]

[bctt tweet=”Want more communication in your relationship? Pick a communicator.”]

After watching, stick around.

This is the part where we have the best conversations about each and every episode and support each other in creating brands and businesses that we LOVE.

Now, Kate and I would love to hear from you!

Tell us about your favorite insights & a-ha moments in the comments below. We’d love to know if you’ve ever been in a sticky situation where you knew, in your gut, that you had to start telling yourself the truth? What made you tell your truth despite the fear?

In love & guts,


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