Do you jump right in, cold or warm?

Do you take the stairs, one at a time?

Do you sit on the edge and slowly slip into the water?

I wonder because…

How we do one thing is how we do everything.

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In the past, I was the kind of person who dove in headfirst (well, I was also on the swim team, so a lot of my swimming involved racing).

Recently, however, I’ve realized that I’m less and less likely to jump on in. I sit on the sidelines, or take the stairs and get acclimated as I go.

The thing is, I’m not only talking about getting into a pool. In talking with my business coach, I also realized that this is the way I’ve started to do life. Taking a step in, getting cold feet, and stepping out. Stepping back in, then waiting to feel comfortable to take a step further.

Then I glance over to a friend and see them diving on in. A twinge of jealously bubbles up at their courage. At their guts.

While there’s no one right way to do things, it’s interesting to see how this stepping and stopping game can really block the flow of energy – in the pool, in business, and in life.

If you want to see fast changes and really make shit happen, do you think that taking the stairs or jumping on in will get you there? 

If you’re trying to overhaul your health, you have a couple of routes you can choose.

#1 – Make small changes here and there and slowly build up momentum. See them build up over time.

#2 – Dive in headfirst and cut the crap. Get support and change what you’re feeding yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally. See change fast.

Either way you choose is cool. I’m not saying that it’s imperative that you dive into the pool. That would be pretty hypocritical of me seeing as I’ve just admitted to being a stairs person recently.

But I do know that I’d rather be the kind of person who dives in. That makes shit happen. That says watch out world and GOES FOR IT.

What kind of person would you like to be? 

I’m not asking where you ARE. I’m asking where you’d like to go. Even if you’re on the second stair, feel free to jump on in 😉 All it takes is a decision.

In love and guts,



Now, let me know in the comments:

Do you jump in or take the stairs into the pool? Is it something you consciously do? How do you see that overlap into the rest of your life?

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