Investing in yourself is AMAZING.
Personally speaking, I can literally feel and see the transformation and growth that has come as a direct result of putting my $$ where my mouth is and taking action to create my life the way I want to.
AND… Not all investments are made equal.
I’ve made a lot of business investments that seemed really awesome, and then weren’t quite what they were cracked up to be.
Or that make a little bit of difference, but not the thousands-of-dollars-worth that I paid for them.
Courses, coaches, programs, technology, memberships, one-off sessions, events, group coaching, spiritual work, strategy, design, photography, copy, branding, email providers…
You name it, I’ve invested in it.
And after years what seemed like throwing money at the wall…
I’ve finally figured out the key to which investments WORK, and which investments DO NOT.
I get SUPER fired up in this episode of Soul Fire TV and you’ll soon know why.
It’s the secret sauce to no longer throwing your money around, hoping for a solution to your problem.
With this investing formula you can finally invest in ONLY the things that are truly going to move the needle and take your business to the success level you dream of.
How freaking amazing is that?!
Watch now and you’ll see what I mean 😉
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After you’ve watched, stick around.
This is the part where we have the best conversations about each and every episode and support each other in creating brands and businesses that we LOVE.
[bctt tweet=”Investing in your business doesn’t have to be stressful with this easy formula!” username=”imlaurasprinkle”]
Now, I would LOVE to hear from you! In the comments below, tell us:
How does this mindset shift sit with you? Have you noticed the difference when you invest in yourself/your business from these different places? Most importantly…how could you implement this handy little “formula” moving forward?
In love and guts,
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