The lesson from today’s episode of Soul Fire TV is one you could EASILY pass over. 

“Oh yeah, I’ve heard that shit before.”

Trust me, though. 

This vital component is important on all the levels. 

It’s important so that your ideal clients fall in love with you and your work. 

[bctt tweet=”It’s so important that your clients fall in love with you and your work.” username=”imlaurasprinkle”]

So that they get the most meaningful results from working with you.

So that you find yourself obsessed with your own business and brand.

So that you can make the impact, and yes, the income, that you dream of. 

As you watch, notice the first ideas that bubble up as to how you could incorporate this concept. 

Watch now:

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After you’ve watched, stick around.

This is the part where we have the best conversations about each and every episode and support each other in creating brands and businesses that we LOVE.

Now, I want to hear from you! In the comments below, tell me:

What do you LOVE to do? Where do you love to travel? Are you more of a coffee buzz buzz or a tea meditate relax… or something in between? Is your brand/business infused with enough YOUness? What’s something really simple you could do to make it more fun for yourself?

In love and guts,


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