{Side note: This interview took place during something called the Gutsy Spotlight Series for my digestive health business. Steph shares some great content that is still relevant to business owners.}

Today’s episode of Soul Fire TV features the owner of Hustle and Flow, a yoga & dance studio in the West End of Portland, Maine. I know you’re going to love hearing from Stephanie Harmon as much as I enjoyed talking with her!

Steph’s mission at Hustle and Flow is to create a fun, empowering, expressive space where all who walk in feel a connection to the space and to each other. How cool is that? From Day One when I walked into the studio on a friend’s recommendation, I felt the difference between this space and others.

My favorite parts of the interview:

  • Learn how to create community & find your tribe… no matter where you are!
  • Understand the importance of leading the way
  • Tips for gaining confidence and feeling comfortable in your body


Watch here:

Join our free FB community of supportive (and hilarious) soulpreneurs!

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After you’ve watched, stick around.

This is the part where we have the best conversations about each and every episode and support each other in creating brands and businesses that we LOVE.

Now, Steph and I would LOVE to hear from you! In the comments below, tell us:

  1. What are your favorite ways to shake your ‘buti’?
  2. What is something you’ve done to create a community and/or find your tribe as an adult?

In love and guts,


Want to shake your buti with Steph?

Interested in checking out some classes in Portland, Maine? Go to the Hustle and Flow Studio Site.

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