“It was 2am when I got her text, but I felt like I had to say something back!”
“Our 30-minute session went for 2 hours and it was hard to get off the phone!”
“She emailed me over and over again with more questions. It took me hours to respond!”
Do these sound like nightmare clients to you?
Well, what if I told you that there was no such thing as a nightmare client?
WHAT?! Yes.
Before you click away from this page in frustration and anger, hear me out.
If you have clients “taking advantage of you” by emailing/texting/calling at odd hours, asking for more than they paid for, or in general going beyond the client-coach (or customer-proprietor) relationship…
Then you aren’t being a big enough “B” in your business.
By “B”, I mean Boundary-Lover.
Yes, my dear, [bctt tweet=”the only way to make sure your container of freedom stays within YOUR guidelines is to make sure you’ve set up those guidelines in the first place” username=”imlaurasprinkle”]
In today’s episode of Soul Fire TV, I’m going to walk you through how exactly to become a big “B” in your business.
Trust me, it’s different than you might think. It takes more than signing a contract (though that’s also super helpful!)
After you watch, I’d love to hear about any situations you’ve had (or that you’re currently in) where being a bigger “B” might help.
Watch now:
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After you’ve watched, stick around.
This is the part where we have the best conversations about each and every episode and support each other in creating brands and businesses that we LOVE.
Now, I want to hear from you! In the comments below, tell me:
Have you ever gotten yourself in a sticky situation because of lack of boundaries? How could you start being a bigger Boundary-Lover TODAY in your business? Any tips or questions for those who will be reading the comments?
In love and guts,
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