What a tricky, tricky word.
A lot of coaches out there will tell you that in order to be successful, you need:
> The perfect website, landing page, email platform, scheduler
> A business coach (them), speaking skillz, webinar presence, bomb-ass social media accounts
> Mindset work, meditation, crystals, the left foot of your favorite basketball player
Basically… all. of. the. things.
Really, though, it doesn’t need to be that complicated.
In today’s episode of Soul Fire TV, I break down the 5 “Cs” of Business Success, and none of them have to do with esoteric marketing strategies or the left foot of anyone in particular.
Take a look and let me know which “C” could use your attention right now.
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After you’ve watched, stick around.
This is the part where we have the best conversations about each and every episode and support each other in creating brands and businesses that we LOVE.
[bctt tweet=”You don’t need the left foot of your favorite basketball player to be successful.” username=”imlaurasprinkle”]
Now, we want to hear from you! In the comments below, tell us:
Which “C” of business success do you most need to focus on right now? Were any of the “Cs” surprising? Any tips for those who’ll be reading the comments?
In love and guts,
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