Have you ever looked at your bank account and felt a sense of shame, embarrassment, lack, or something else not quite good?
Yeah, me too.
This is completely normal… we aren’t exactly taught about checking accounts, savings, and credit cards in high school.
Nor is “Wealth Mindset” on the curriculum in college.
For a long time, I never looked at my bank accounts because I worked through high school, rarely spent anything, and always knew there was some in there.
Then, I started a business and it was a huge investment of time, energy, resources, and yes…
I found myself with thousands of dollars of credit card debt, no savings to speak of, and a very real and very difficult gremlin-like voice in my head telling me I was wrong, bad, and should feel ashamed of myself.
Needless to say, looking at my negative accounts was NOT something I wanted to partake in.
Luckily, I realized that if I ever wanted to be wealthy (and oh man I did!)… I had to get my head outta the sand and actually participate in my financial picture.
Through the guidance of a few mentors, one of whom I mention in the episode, I began to heal my relationship with money… and along the way have found more abundance in my life than I ever thought possible.
This money love meeting alone might not change your life… but it also might.
[bctt tweet=”This money love meeting alone might not change your life… but it also might. ” username=”imlaurasprinkle”]
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After you’ve watched, stick around.
This is the part where we have the best conversations about each and every episode and support each other in creating brands and businesses that we LOVE.
Now, I want to hear from you! In the comments below, tell me:
Do you have your own version of a money love meeting or ritual?
If you do, what does it look like? How has it improved your relationship with your finances?
If you don’t, when do you want to start? How will you make it fun for yourself?
In love and guts,
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