I was on a coaching call this week with a woman who has a deep love for her soul work.

She’s been doing it for 15 years, ROCKS at it, and her clients adore her.

Recently, she decided to get even more soul-connected and serve the world online.

I was SUPER excited for this call because I could feel how powerful her energy was and how excited she was about up leveling her impact and income in a meaningful way.

{Um… can you talk about #BestCoachingCallsEVER?!}

When we started chatting, she was radiating positivity talking about what she does.

And then…

She told me how a few weeks ago, the flow suddenly stopped.

The well of creativity dried up.

The pause button jammed, all progress halted, and energy ceased to swirl.

The moment she mentioned it, I knew in my gut exactly why.

Then she confirmed my intuitive hit. She was blocked up by the ideals and ideas of others; she was constipated on marketing advice.

Here’s the thing.

Advice is great. Hearing suggestions from rockstar marketers is fabulous. Strategies for success are solid hell yeahs.

But the best, best, BEST advice, suggestions, and strategies? Those actually come from inside you, not from those around you.

[bctt tweet=”But the best, best, BEST advice, suggestions, and strategies? Those actually come from inside you, not from those around you.” username=”@lausprinkle”]

Your intuition is the best marketing tool you’ve got.

When you’re not listening to your intuition and you’re feeling out of alignment… all the pretty, shiny trainings from all the pretty, shiny, successful marketers are going to look damn good.

You’ll work yourself into a frenzy going after all the strategies, advice, and suggestions of others.

No judgments, ‘cause ohhhh goodness I’ve been there!

I’ve dropped thousands thinking that I needed to learn more about… webinars, ads, marketing funnels, podcasts, website creation, vaginal kung fu (yes, that’s a thing), getting more clients, totem animals, sales calls, feng shui, and more.

I’ve followed those bright and shiny paths. I’ve been in overwhelm state from all the advice out there. I’ve felt inadequate in comparison with just about every other entrepreneur out there.

And as someone who dispenses Marketing Advice regularly, I’ll tell ya:


When you’re feeling overwhelmed, dump out all that’s not serving you!

Most importantly, please, please, please…

Throw out any advice you’re taking solely on the basis that you’re inadequate.

If you’ve signed up for something or started a course of action based on the idea that you are less than… What the F is that saying to the Universe?!?!

That’s the real reason those “strategies” you purchased aren’t working.

See, I still invest in my business and buy training courses, work with coaches, and follow damn-good advice.

But I do it from a place of intention, intuition, and self love.

I know what I got is pretty damn good. So I only take courses that are a HELL YES, that feed my soul, and that connect me deeply with my true work.

The pretty, shiny things still tempt me regularly. But I know after years of trial and error… they only look good on the sales pages, and then they collect dust on my hard drive.

Back to my coaching call this week.

I told her some of my story and proceeded to give her some Marketing Advice to throw everything in the trash and focus only on what her soul wants 😉

I could see her energy had lifted and she told me she felt lighter.

That’s because, when we remember that our soul knows what we need to do, we can dump off the feeling of overwhelm.

We can escape Marketing Constipation and allow our creativity to flow once more.

So go take a shit already.

In love + guts,


p.s. I’d love to know: Have you ever gotten into a state of overwhelm or marketing constipation (If you haven’t, you must be an evil genius of some kind!!)? How did you get out of it? Are there any strategies you want to dump after reading this because they are unaligned with your soul?

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