How To Get Ideas For Creating Content

How To Get Ideas For Creating Content

WATCH NOW 3 Are you a creator? Do you write blog posts? Shoot videos? Create social media blurbs? Craft powerful or feisty emails? Well then you’ve probably become hauntingly familiar with a little concept called: writer’s block. Or as I like to call it: Creative...
2 Tips To Deal With Comparison

2 Tips To Deal With Comparison

WATCH NOW 3 Have you ever found yourself scrolling through Facebook on your phone (getting a thumb workout, of course) and sinking deeper and deeper into OMGLAWSD? That stands for: Oh My God Look At What She’s Doing. > She has the perfect new program… I...
When People Don’t Buy What You’re Selling

When People Don’t Buy What You’re Selling

WATCH NOW 3 Here at Sprinkle HQ we are SO excited because this week I’ve decided to do something new and send you a video love note instead of a written article! When you follow your intuition and create based on what inspires you, rather than what you “should”...

5 Ideas For Calling In Your Ideal Tribe

One of the questions I’m asked often is some variation of: How do I grow my email list? How do I grow a tribe of raving fans who will buy my stuff? How can I attract people who will want to work with me? The answer can be simple or complex, depending upon who you ask....

27 Soul Sparks From Living On Earth 27 Years

When I was in college, I took a Freshman seminar called Death and the Meaning of Life. That sentence right there probably tells you a lot about who I am… a Soul Seeker. One who adventures and explores the Earth to find deeper meaning. Though there is a lot of lore...