When I was in college, I took a Freshman seminar called Death and the Meaning of Life. That sentence right there probably tells you a lot about who I am… a Soul Seeker. One who adventures and explores the Earth to find deeper meaning.

Though there is a lot of lore about the number and age of 27, most of it seems like BS and my favorite part of exploring is deciding for myself what to take on and what to leave behind.

Here are 27 soul sparks from my 27 years on Earth, this time around. If they jive with you, great! If not, that’s fine, too 🙂 Hopefully you’ll find a nugget worth sharing.

  1. Celebrating yourself is the BEST. Seriously. You should try it more often, whether that means massages or miniature pigs, jumping around or jotting down a love note.
  2. It’s not really about the money. The things you buy, wear, say, do, yearn for… it’s never because of the money.
  3. Broken hearts, cracked dreams, destroyed ambitions – they’re all fuel to your soul fire. They allow a little more light in… a little more love… if you let them.
  4. Commitment is the biggest and scariest and best path to freedom.
  5. Small groups of people are not only more fun, but they can accomplish way more shit than any individual or large mass.
  6. Vitamin D is the best medicine for a lot of things. Get some sun. Take some pharmaceutical-grade supps . Feel better.
  7. “The most convoluted path is sometimes the path of least resistance.” – Abraham Hicks
  8. The Harry Potter series can teach all of us how to be better people. It teaches me regularly because I re-read them almost every year.
  9. The best invention for business owners has been in existence for hundreds of years. It’s called a calendar.
  10. Actions based in love are the only way to truly receive what you desire and actions based in fear only push you in the other direction.
  11. The state of wanting something is usually more fun than the state of having something.
  12. There is nothing more delicious than fresh air, a cool breeze through the trees, and sunshine.
  13. It’s okay to be wrong sometimes. Or change your mind.
  14. You’re not a bad person if you don’t eat salad every day. Or ever.
  15. The moment of true success comes when you throw out the rulebook written by other people.
  16. Sometimes, anger is the best medicine.
  17. We’re all doing the best we can.
  18. Everybody poops.
  19. Good habits are just as easy to learn as bad ones. But sometimes the bad ones are more fun.
  20. There are lessons, metaphors, and magic in every single moment. You have a choice whether or not you see them.
  21. Videos of baby animals doing funny things is a surefire way to spark some laughter.
  22. Chocolate. Enough said.
  23. Recognizing that control is an illusion and that we actually do have co-creative control over everything in our lives is a paradox worth living with.
  24. In any given moment, you have a choice to act with kindness or fear. You always have that choice.
  25. Traveling, learning, meeting new people, and experiencing new things is what I’m personally here to do.
  26. You are worthy of your desires. Serrriously. Your dreams have a big ole crush on you and they are waiting, with baited breath, for you to make the first move.
  27. Success requires only your presence.

[bctt tweet=”You are worthy of your desires. Serrriously. Your dreams have a big ole crush on you and they are waiting, with baited breath, for you to make the first move” username=”@lausprinkle”]

Want to find out how I’m celebrating and how you can join the party? Come on over to the Soul Fire Mastermind, a free FB group, to learn more 😉

In love + guts,

xo Laura

p.s. I’d love to know: Which of these resonated with you the most? What might you add to the list? Comment below!

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