One of the questions I’m asked often is some variation of:

How do I grow my email list? How do I grow a tribe of raving fans who will buy my stuff? How can I attract people who will want to work with me?

The answer can be simple or complex, depending upon who you ask. Here are 5 powerful ideas for you that are based in soul and specifically designed to attract your ideal tribe… not simply a number on the computer screen.

These are some of my personal secrets for calling in my ideal clients and customers, so I know that these ideas work.

As with anything, however, these ideas work because of how YOU implement them.

You are the special sauce in your own business and life. Remember that, always.

  • Start With Powerful Intention

Your intention around growing your tribe is the most important place to begin. This is foundation of all the other ideas and shouldn’t be skipped over… ever.

[bctt tweet=”Your intention around growing your tribe is the most important place to begin. This is foundation of all the other ideas and shouldn’t be skipped over… ever.” username=”@lausprinkle”]

What is at the heart of your desire to grow your list?

Are you simply looking for numbers to add to your ego boost so you feel more successful? Probably not 😉

Each and every person who enters your world is a human being with value and their own personal gifts, and recognizing that is what makes you a soulpreneur.

Write out a quick note to yourself about why you want to attract a tribe and for what purpose.

For me personally, I want to attract soulful entrepreneurs into my world so that I can support them with all I’ve got — lovebombs, hilarious jokes, helpful articles, and more.

Keeping this in mind helps me stay focused and dedicated when I’m planning content for these special souls.

  • Be Yourself

You cannot call in your ideal tribe through trickery, masquerading, or using fancy words and phrases. And this is great news!

The exact words you say will not matter… as long as they come from the heart.

The more you you can be, in everything you write, say, do, and make, the more you will attract exactly the kinds of people who would love to work with you and buy from you.

The worst thing you can do when attracting your ideal tribe is to hide important parts of yourself, and the best thing is to shine your unique quirks, obsessions, and abilities.

As an example…

How tired and worn out is the idea of a clean-eating yoga teacher, amiright?!

But what about a clean-eating yoga teacher who also carves sculptures using leftover materials and is a huge Cleveland Browns fan?

The second one is MUCH more interesting, and I don’t even know anything about sculptures or football!

  • Visibility Is Free

Guess what? There are people that have already created enormous communities for you to speak and be yourself in!

You can check out podcasts, video shows, and blogs that accept guests and rock on.

You could also hang out and be the best student ever in other people’s groups and programs!

There is no need to buy friends or fans. In fact, the people who find you organically and naturally gravitate toward you will always be the best tribe members, anyway.

This is not to say that Advertising or paying for certain products or services is bad or misplaced. Simply that it is is not necessary, especially at the beginning.

Be as you as you can be, every single day, and they will come.

  • Share The Love

Do you want to know the real secret to getting more visible and growing your tribe?

It’s to see people in Sacred light. It’s to honor their visibility.

The more you can truly see people, the more you will be seen. It’s counterintuitive, and it’s truly the best way to grow your tribe in an authentic manner.

When you’re diggin’ someone or something, share it with the world!

Share people’s content that you love. Recommend products or companies you enjoy. Highlight your ideal clients before you even work with them!

Think about how special you feel when you’re Seen and Shared in Love… now, go do that for other people 🙂 Give what you’d like to receive.

  • Pick One and Run

After going through the ideas above, pick ONE idea from the list below and simply run with it. Then come back here and let me know how it goes!

  • Create an amazing PDF, video series, audio, or quiz that people have to opt-in to get their paws on
  • Start a free community, in person or online (FB, Google +, etc.)
  • Invite everyone you bloody know and enjoy to be part of your entrepreneurial world
  • Go to networking events and network, baby!
  • Take other people’s courses and rock it
  • Join FB groups and be super helpful
  • Hang out and share amazing stuff on any social media platform (pick one!)
  • Post a video on a regular basis, whether that’s Facebook Live, YouTube, Facebook in general, or Periscope
  • Run free workshops, either online or in person
  • Guest star on a blog or podcast or video channel
  • Start your own blog or podcast or video channel
  • Run a free challenge/contest
  • Remember people’s names, look them in the eye, and be the nicest person you can be (works wonders and is totally free)

Happy tribe building! I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention my amazing tribe here… the Soul Fire Mastermind. This community rocks on so many levels, especially the supporting-you-on-this-topsy-turvy-entrepreneurial-journey level. And it’s free to join!

Here’s to you and your tribe.

In love + guts,

xo Laura


p.s. I’d love to know: Which of these ideas will you implement in your business? I’d love to hear how it goes! Or, which of these have you tried and how has it gone?

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