What do underwear and partnerships have in common?
When a brand does them well, it creates a cycle of either repeat customers or repeat partnerships!
That’s a kind of no brainer fact but in this episode of The Laura Sprinkle Show, I’m going to break down what I call the “Cycle of Partnerships,” which is exactly how all my 6- and 7-figure clients have affiliates that go ALL IN on their promotions and come back for more every time they run another launch.
Listen to hear how YOU can use the cycle of partnerships to get referrals on repeat, including:
- [3:44] Phase 1 is all about attracting the right partners for you. You wouldn’t want a repeating partner who doesn’t align with you or your values. There are plenty of the right people out there who want to support you and in my Rock Your Affiliate Program, the first thing I teach you is how to find those people.
- [5:08] Phase 2 is learning how to activate your partners so they go all in on their partnership with you. You can’t expect your partners to do all the work here, as a company it’s your responsibility to train your partners how to share and activate them to want to share!
- [6:41] Phase 3 is amplifying them during the promotional period, this happens when the launch is really taking place. And it’s my favorite part! Partners are sending emails, posting on social media, reaching out to people, etc,. And you’re there to cheer them on. This is when your hard work starts seeing results.
- [7:57] Phase 4 is to appreciate the crap out of your partners. This phase is the most essential phase and the most overlooked phase when it comes to getting referrals on repeat. Every phase is necessary, but this is how you really get your partners to fall in love with you and your program, and get them ready to sign up to join you for your next launch and all your launches after.
If you want to learn how to get referrals on repeat, click here to listen.
And if you want to join a community of incredible business owners looking for just those kinds of connections, you’re welcome to join us in The Partner Collective. This is a space for connection, collaboration, and creation. We’d love to meet you!
After You Listen…
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Mentioned in This Episode