Today’s Soul Fire TV episode is JUICY!

The main point?

You don’t deserve to be happy… and you should be happy realizing that!

This realization changed literally everything for me… and it’s a huge part of why July and August have been my biggest months EVER in business.

This mindset shift seems small, but it will rock your world. So I’ll let you hop to it and see for yourself below 🙂

I’d love, love, LOVE to hear your thoughts and feelings about it after you watch the episode.

Please comment below or come over to the Facebook group and chat with me about it.

Watch now:

Join our free FB community of supportive (and hilarious) soulpreneurs!

[bctt tweet=”You don’t deserve to be happy… and that’s a good thing!” username=”imlaurasprinkle”]

After you’ve watched, stick around.

This is the part where we have the best conversations about each and every episode and support each other in creating brands and businesses that we LOVE.

Now, I would LOVE to hear from you! In the comments below, tell us:

Can you see how shifting from thinking you “deserve” to knowing in your soul you’re worthy can be beneficial? What practices/rituals do you have in place to remind yourself how amazing and worthy you are each day? Any tips for people?

In love and guts,

xo Laura

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