by Laura Sprinkle | Jun 29, 2016 | Blog, Business
WATCH NOW 3 Have you ever found yourself scrolling through Facebook on your phone (getting a thumb workout, of course) and sinking deeper and deeper into OMGLAWSD? That stands for: Oh My God Look At What She’s Doing. > She has the perfect new program… I...
by Laura Sprinkle | Jun 23, 2016 | Blog
I hate writing blog posts! Yep, I said it. I love writing. I love creativity. I love visibility and passion and supporting entrepreneurs and providing valuable content… But I freaking hate writing blog posts. I will literally clean the toilet, bake an...
by Laura Sprinkle | Jun 14, 2016 | Blog, Business
WATCH NOW 3 Here at Sprinkle HQ we are SO excited because this week I’ve decided to do something new and send you a video love note instead of a written article! When you follow your intuition and create based on what inspires you, rather than what you “should”...
by Laura Sprinkle | Jun 8, 2016 | Blog
I burned it all down. Every last piece of my former business… gone. I cut ties with my website, email list, offerings, brand. I hit the sledgehammer to everything I thought I knew, everything that had made me successful so far. I lit fire to all my blog posts,...
by Laura Sprinkle | Jun 1, 2016 | Blog
In a culture that flies through fads faster than you can say, “bell bottom jeans,” and where over 50% of married couples decide to sever their knot before death do them part, the C word is pretty much like poison. Commitment. Ain’t nobody got time for commitment when...