In a culture that flies through fads faster than you can say, “bell bottom jeans,” and where over 50% of married couples decide to sever their knot before death do them part, the C word is pretty much like poison.


Ain’t nobody got time for commitment when the newest iPhone hits the shelves, last season’s clothes are SO out of style, and the latest superfood seems to change almost daily.

Here’s the thing, though.

This glorious life and business you’re building?

It’s not a 4-month program. It’s not a weekend intensive.

It’s certainly not a “when you feel like it” kind of deal.

Co-creating your dreams with the Universe is a lifelong process, and growing a solid business can take years. It actually never ceases until YOU hit the STOP button.

Think about it.

Let’s say that you’re having a beer (aka idea juice) and you decide to start a business (a brewery, of course).

The very next day you have a fully operational facility, amazing employees, and worldwide distribution. You’re rolling in the cash, have complete creative freedom with your brews, and get to travel the world.

Even if by some crazy chance that were possible in one day (hey, I’m not ruling it out)…

You’d still need to maintain it. 

You wouldn’t turn around and abandon your project, stop operation, let down your employees, and leave your customers hanging.

No. Your business always needs commitment, energy, and passion in order to grow and thrive.

ESPECIALLY if you’re trying to create a life where you’re rolling in the cash, have complete creative freedom, and get to travel the world.

Like a seedling, your soulful idea needs food, water, sunshine, and love. It needs Commitment. 
[bctt tweet=”Like a seedling, your soulful idea needs food, water, sunshine, and love. It needs Commitment. ” username=”@lausprinkle”]
Imagine if momma bears popped out their baby bears and then immediately abandoned them in the wild. Their babies and their species wouldn’t survive.

What do they actually do?

They nurture and they care for their cubs with fierce devotion. 

How might we, as freedom-seekers, care for our blooming businesses with the same fierce devotion?

I’d love to know your thoughts. Let’s start a dialogue about this over in the free Soul Fire Mastermind group on Facebook.

I have my own ideas about this topic… but the best ones always come from conversation with YOU!

That’s why I ADORE masterminds.

It’s a Sacred Space for growth, for light, for transforming our fears into our greatest allies. 

It’s a place to be Seen and See. To mirror our dreams and Magnify them into the world.

Here’s to you and your devotion to your craft.

In love + guts,

xo Laura

p.s. I’d LOVE to know: what scares you the most about commitment?

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