Hi there!

I’m Laura Sprinkle and I’m here to help you create an unforgettable affiliate program.




Think back to your biggest business successes.

What do they have in common (besides a creative epiphany, a gallon of coffee, and that feeling of total elation when you hit your goal)?

I bet, when you get down to it, you didn’t achieve it alone.

You had support, even if you don’t realize it. Whether it was from your accountability partner, your family, your business coach, or a total stranger… your shiny success wouldn’t glow as brightly without their help.

That’s because success — especially business success — comes from the people you surround yourself with. And when it comes to scaling your revenue? You can bank your success on the wonderful world of affiliate referrals.



When I look back at my life, the central theme has always been connection.

As a traveler, I love to immerse myself in a place, learn about its culture, and get to know its people.

As a college student, I studied sociology because I was so flipping fascinated by human relationships and interactions.

My favorite way to pass the hours is quality time with my friends, swapping stories, and laughing until we cry.

Business is no exception.

Want to know what catapulted
my business from $0 to MULTIPLE six figures?

It wasn’t an email list. It wasn’t an opt-in. It wasn’t ads.

It was genuine connection and real relationships.

It all came down to word-of-mouth, integrity, and the mutual willingness to help everyone win.

What started with me reaching out to a few business friends for help turned into a refined, magical process for running wildly successful affiliate launches.

I’ve used that process to support my clients to the tune of millions of $$$$ in launch revenue.

My journey proves the power of affiliates.

When I saw how successful my affiliate strategies were with other businesses, I knew it was time to apply my method to my own company.

Can I admit something?

I was nervous.

I worried that my formulas and frameworks wouldn’t stand up to the test of my own business.

Yes, I’d seen it work for a ton of big names… but that didn’t mean it would work for me. Right?

Wrong! Turns out, a solid process stays solid, no matter how big or small you are.

My first affiliate launch with my own business relied on four incredible partners, and they helped me more than 4x my revenue!

And that was all the evidence I needed.

If you have a proven offer, you can scale with an affiliate program.. and it’s so much better than launching alone.

I’m guessing you’re like me. You’re a business owner who puts their values first.

You and I, we hate slimy sales tactics, cold pitching, and sleazy marketing. We also crave camaraderie. The idea of doing business totally solo feels… lonely. And stressful.

I invite you to approach business launches differently, creating win-win-win-win scenarios—I call this the Quadruple Win!—because business doesn’t have to be a zero-sum game.

My affiliate program system centers around creating partnerships that benefit everyone. 

My affiliate program system centers around creating partnerships that benefit everyone. It’s gotten results like…

More than 30 million in revenue through affiliate programs with some pretty rad, powerhouse business owners like Selena Soo, Amy Porterfield, and Todd Herman.


My own successful affiliate launches, bringing in a rock-solid team of cheerleaders who help promote my offers to the people who need them most.


Connecting thousands of people with the offers they need to improve their lives, become healthier, find love, and earn more money.


A fully decked-out, proven training program (Rock Your Affiliate Program®) designed to show you exactly how to create your own successful affiliate launch.

My affiliate program system centers around creating partnerships that benefit everyone. It’s gotten results like…

More than 30 million in revenue through affiliate programs with some pretty rad, powerhouse business owners like Selena Soo, Amy Porterfield, and Todd Herman.


My own successful affiliate launches, bringing in a rock-solid team of cheerleaders who help promote my offers to the people who need them most.


Connecting thousands of people with the offers they need to improve their lives, become healthier, find love, and earn more money.


A fully decked-out, proven training program (Rock Your Affiliate Program®) designed to show you exactly how to create your own successful affiliate launch.

Creating an affiliate program with a real implementation plan was actually a whole lot less stress and pressure than I thought it would be.

Crystal Swanson

Certified Doula & Founder of Active Peace Maternity

Creating an affiliate program with a real implementation plan was actually a whole lot less stress and pressure than I thought it would be.

Crystal Swanson

Certified Doula & Founder of Active Peace Maternity

Here’s what I know about you.

You have a great offer, with amazing content your customers rave about. Your expertise and passion shines through, and you’re more than ready to forge relationships with a community of people and businesses who see the world through a similar window.

It’s time to take your brilliance to the masses.

You know that you can change thousands of lives while providing financial stability to your team and their families. And spreading the wealth means spreading your impact.

It all starts with reaching out for the support you need. (Hello!)

here’s what you should
know about me:

  • I believe it’s important to speak up about what’s right. For me, that’s inclusivity, relationships, authenticity, and quality.
  • My top values are partnerships first and fun always. Clients should fill you with joy, wealth should come on autopilot, and the day-to-day of business should leave you invigorated.
  • I’m a mama to the cutest bean in the world, Cadlee.
  • Mountains and trees are my sanctuary and wanderlust is one of my closest friends. My first solo trip was at age 11!
  • Warm drinks and cozy coffee shops are essential (give me all the maple oat milk lattes, please!)
  • Alarm clocks are way overrated (who needs a schedule, anyway?)

here’s what you should
know about me:

  • I believe it’s important to speak up about what’s right. For me, that’s inclusivity, relationships, authenticity, and quality.
  • My top values are partnerships first and fun always. Clients should fill you with joy, wealth should come on autopilot, and the day-to-day of business should leave you invigorated.
  • I’m a mama to the cutest bean in the world, Cadlee.
  • Mountains and trees are my sanctuary and wanderlust is one of my closest friends. My first solo trip was at age 11!
  • Warm drinks and cozy coffee shops are essential (give me all the maple oat milk lattes, please!)
  • Alarm clocks are way overrated (who needs a schedule, anyway?)



your next launch


Prepping for your first (or next) affiliate launch? Reach more people, sell with ease, and fill your program with tools and training from the expert.


Want more 1:1 support? Work with Laura or one of her Certified Strategists to ensure your affiliate program is both profitable and enjoyable.



your next launch


Prepping for your first (or next) affiliate launch? Reach more people, sell with ease, and fill your program with tools and training from the expert.


Want more 1:1 support? Work with Laura or one of her Certified Strategists to ensure your affiliate program is both profitable and enjoyable.

Unsure where to start?

Grab my free, on-demand training on How to Scale Your Business with Referrals on Repeat to see how fun and lucrative adding affiliate partners to your business can be!

[thrive_2step id=’55701′]Right here![/thrive_2step]