I’ve been involved in dozens of launches and I’ve learned a lot from my experiences. But…
Every launch comes with it’s lessons learned.
At this point, I think I’m just learning these lessons on a deeper level.
It’s one thing to know that you should care for your mindset, leadership, planning, etc., but it’s a whole other thing to apply this information while you’re trying to scale your business.
These five tips can serve anyone, whether you’ve launched a million times or this is your first time. I debrief after every launch and review my lessons learned so I can really learn them (so I don’t have to learn them again!) And hopefully this will help you avoid some of the common mistakes we all make when launching!
Listen to hear my top 5 launching tips, including:
- [01:56] #1 Reality. The number isn’t always the number. Just because someone has a monetary launch of six figures does NOT mean they have six figures in the bank.
- [07:08] #2 Mindset. There is always a rough patch during the launch when you’re not sure it’s going to work. You need to trust yourself that you can make it through that mindset challenge.
- [11:15] #3 Cart Close. Odds are, you’re going to make a large amount of your sales on the last day. I made 45% of my sales on cart close, so do NOT give up at the end of your launch. Stick it through.
- [12:40] #4 Self-Care. You have to schedule time for you, your self-care, and mindset in the launch. Without it, the stress will wear you down and make it a hard experience no matter how the sales go.
- [14:38] #5 Leadership. More people doesn’t mean more work done. There will be a need for more management and more need for leadership on your part. Everyone will need time to prep and understand what is happening.
- [24:30] Bonus Tips. Doing things simply is better for everyone involved. You never know who you’re star partners are going to be, so stray away from special treatment. And people want to see you, the CEO, so make sure you prep and plan well so you can be more present in your launch.
If you want to learn some important lessons before your next launch, click here to listen.
And if you want to join a community of incredible business owners looking for just those kinds of connections, you’re welcome to join us in The Partner Collective. This is a space for connection, collaboration, and creation. We’d love to meet you!
After You Listen…
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