Dear Friends,

And by friends – I do mean all of you, all over the world.

I invite you today to choose curiosity. To choose love.

Fear is a powerful thing.

Fear of going hungry. Fear of not being loved. Fear of lack of worthiness. Fear of failure. Fear of being found out. Fear of fitting in too tightly. Fear of not belonging. Fear of the unknown. Fear of paying the rent on time. Fear of being stuck at a desk all your life. Fear of being physically attacked. Fear of being made fun of. Fear of death.

And, my friends, fear is often masked as anger, jealousy, pettiness, and violence.

If our outer world is a reflection of our inner world (and I do believe it to be so)…

Then let’s use all experience as learning experiences.

Let’s get curious instead of irate – no matter what happens.

Let’s choose to look inward at our personal landscapes of fear and love and power. At the choices we make and why.

We can honor our feelings without being overcome by them.

We are not our feelings.

If I find myself in a state of sadness or anger – that does not mean I, as a person, am sad or angry.

We may not want to dig into our own fears.

We may want to look outward instead.

We may want to blame or shame and point the fingers of responsibility elsewhere.


I’ll quit being elusive for one second to make sure you hear me:

If you feel mad at millions of people for electing someone who has played out a campaign of fear… and feel afraid for the future… need I say more?

Fear begets more fear. Anger begets more anger. Judging other for being judgmental… begets more of that same thing.

I say this not to make you more afraid, rather to give you a solution (albeit one that requires work).

Step 1: Get curious.

Step 2: Release judgment.

And always, always, always, remember that there is no such thing as “them” and “us”.

Here’s to inner and outer awakening.





p.s. Here’s a Live Video I shot today – it sort of has to do with the election and sort of has to do with everyday living all over the globe 🙂