Like most business owners, at the start of every year I have a revenue goal in mind. In 2019, I was pretty sure I could hit my dream of being a 6-figure entrepreneur.

Well, when I sat down one gorgeous day in October to review quarters 1-3, I realized that my company had already banked over $100,000 for the year!

I sat down to record a video about it (why am I so nervous about sharing?! It’s a celebration, after all!) and when I really got clear on what allowed us to hit 6 figures in 9 months instead of the allotted 12, I realized this:


There is no way I would have been able to build this on my own (nor can anyone… that’s the whole point of the economy, after al — it fllllooows between people and entities).

The 3 types of partnerships that helped me hit 6 figures early

Here are the three main types of partnerships that helped:

  1. Team: I’m working with an incredible team who has taken a lot of the stuff that’s not in my zone of genius off my plate, so that I can focus on relationship-building, which is what I’m good at. I talk about my struggles and triumphs stepping into this leadership role in the episodes 010 through 015 of my podcast, Launch Rebels Radio. You can listen and subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, or anywhere you listen to podcasts!
  2. Clients: You’re probably like, “Duh Laura, your clients pay you,” but I mean beyond that. Our motto is ‘Partnerships First, Fun Always’, and that means that we only work with people that we’d hang with. We care beyond our role. And we’re ready to step up if they need anything else.
  3. Affiliates: This is a little different from most companies, since this would be the partnerships you have with your own affiliates… but for us it’s our partnership with our clients’ affiliates.

What happens when you put relationships above “strategy”?

Well, for one thing, ALL of our clients have come from referrals and word of mouth. Which means my entire business is built on relationships. Genuine, human-to-human connection. And that’s pretty fucking rad.

Here are your action steps (because I’m all about action, unless I’m about napping) if you want to boost up the relationship power of your business.

    1. Make a list of 5 people. Seriously. It can be the first 5 that come to mind who you love. I don’t even care if they’re involved in your business or not.
    2. Next to their name, write down a way that you can love them up extra before the end of the month. Whether it’s a simple text saying that you love them, sending a handwritten note, making an introduction to someone who would be great on their podcast, referring a potential client to them… what do they WANT and how can you help them get it? If you don’t know, ask!
    3. Make it happen for ONE person before the end of the week! And report back!

You’ll be shocked by the ripple effect that happens from reaching out to just one person. It’s magical 🙂

Cheers to your rockin’ partnerships this year and beyond!

xo Laura