{Side note from Laura: I wrote this post when I was still doing wellness coaching, however it is still extremely relevant to business as well which is why it’s here. How we do one thing is how we do everything – and taking care of yourself is one key to unlocking your success potential.}

There is a question that I get asked a TON, that up until now I have found myself prolonging the answer to.

It made me squirm, and I felt extremely uncomfortable answering it until I realized why – because I hadn’t actually answered it for myself yet. 

No one enjoys feeling like a fake (except maybe that guy from Catch Me if You Can…) and let me tell you, I was feeling like a big, fat faker for awhile there. I emailed you all about staying healthy and eating well. But was I doing any of that myself? HAH! I was attempting, but it was more like grasping at bits.

The question that made me squirm was: “How do you stay motivated to eat healthy, or work out?”

Many people asked it. Many times I avoided it. The truth of the matter is, I would have felt fraudulent answering it because often I don’t feel motivated to eat healthy or move my body.

Until now.

Until I realized that despite my health coach training and serving clients, I TOO need support and help sometimes. I’m only human, after all.

I finally woke up to that fact when I made the call to a naturopath in a desperate attempt to reach out for a lifeline. Luckily, Laura (yep, she had the same amazing name 😉 was there to offer me one, and she also told me that she herself seeks outside council when it comes to her own health.

Now, I not only have the motivation to stay healthy, but I also have a plan, an accountability partner, and a team of people rooting me on and supporting me in my goals. Talk about destined to SUCCEED.

Going it alone will ensure you that you end up alone.

[bctt tweet=”Going it alone will ensure you that you end up alone.”]

Obviously there are times when it comes down to just us, and our health and happiness is no-one else’s responsibility but our own. However, we do all get by with a little help from our friends.

So hire a coach, get some buddies to go to the gym with you or take a class, and seek outside support. You won’t regret it.

Now that I have my own health back on track, I feel comfortable offering you some motivational tips!

1. Make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons.

You cannot hate yourself into loving yourself, so if you’re working out because you dislike your body, you won’t find the motivation there. Work out and move because you LOVE yourself and want to treat your body like the temple it is, and I guarantee you’ll have less trouble getting your ass out of bed.

2. Make sure you ask for help.

Like I said, I was slacking on this and my health and happiness saw the results of that. You do NOT have to go it alone. Yes, take responsibility for your own actions, health & happiness, but reach out and find others who have the same interests as you! Move together! Cook together! Hike, kayak, do aerial yoga, join a spin class, whatever floats your boat. This is NOT someone who is also on the same super low-cal, super restricted diet plan so you can bitch to one another. That doesn’t work and is just plain unhealthy. This is someone who has your back and you have theirs. Hire a coach if you need to, it certainly has worked wonders for me AND for my clients!

3. Remember that no-one is perfect.

If you want to be the pinnacle of perfection – I’m sorry to break it to ya, but it’s just never going to happen. Relax a little. Working out too much can actually cause you bodily damage. Obsession with healthy eating is actually called orthorexia nervosa and is an eating disorder. Love yourself up, take care of your body, ask for help, and then relax a little. Have some fun.

In love and guts,

xo Laura


Now, I’d love to hear from you in the comments:

First, have you ever felt like a fraud in your life/business? Have you felt like you were dishing advice but not taking it? What did you do?

Second, are these tips helpful when it comes to staying motivated? What else might you add?

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